

Cosmetic Surgery

There are a number of procedures we can perform to improve the aesthetics of your face and smile. These include:
  • Crown lengthening
  • Soft tissue grafts
  • Ridge augmentation
These procedures are designed to correct:

  • Gummy smile or uneven gum line -- If your teeth look too short and your smile is too gummy or your gums cover too much of some teeth while leaving the others the right length, crown lengthening might be the solution. During this procedure, excess gum tissue is removed to expose more of the crown of the tooth. Your gum line is then sculpted.

  • Long teeth/exposed roots -- In some cases, receding gums cause the tooth root to become exposed, which makes your teeth look long and unsightly. Periodontal disease is sometimes the culprit behind long teeth and exposed roots. Soft tissue grafts and other root coverage procedures are designed to cover exposed roots, to reduce further gum recession and to protect vulnerable roots from decay.

  • Missing teeth -- Dental implants are a more natural looking option compared to dentures or bridges because implants look and feel just like your own teeth. They also allow you to speak and eat with comfort and confidence. Implants involve placing an artificial root into your jaw, and after a healing period, an artificial tooth is attached to the root.

  • Indentations in the gums and jawbone -- Tooth loss can cause an indentation in the gums and jawbone where the tooth used to be. This happens because the jawbone recedes when it no longer is holding a tooth in place. Not only is this indention unnatural looking, it also causes the replacement tooth to look too long compared to the adjacent teeth. Ridge augmentation can fill in this defect recapturing the natural contour of the gums and jaw.

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    Hours of Operation

    Our Regular Schedule

    Ace Dental Care, PC


    9:00 am-6:00 pm


    9:00 am-6:00 pm




    9:00 am-6:00 pm


    9:00 am-5:00 pm


    9:00 am-3:00 pm




    What Our Clients Say About Us

      "I would give her ten if I could. Dr. Williams has been my dentist for over twenty years. In that time, she has never broken an appointment with me. I am pretty type A when it comes to my teeth, and I like her because she always has great tips about how to take care of them. She is uber professional but has a good sense of humor. Her sense of humor is actually a pretty big deal when you have to sit with someone for an extended period of time. I've been in her chair for over an hour a couple of times. Once to get braces done and another time for a teeth whitening. Uncomfortable to say the least, but she went out of her way to ease the pain. I have not considered another Dentist ever since."

      Seun A.

      "Excellent Dentist"

      Mark S.

      "Dr. Williams is an excellent dentist! It's pretty evident that she cares about her patients and she always goes the extra mile. Every visit to her practice is pleasant...she's truly such a patient and kind doctor. Highly recommend!"

      Oluwaseyi A.

      "Dr. Williams is the best dentist ever! Not only does she take her time but she cleans your teeth personally. I love her individualized patient services."

      — David T.

      "Great Dentist!"

      — Thierry J.